Brad Stewart

Brad Stewart




What was your relationship to Kevin?

I met KB the first day he moved to Washington. He and his wife Jodi quickly became Mandy and I's best friends. There were very few nights we didn't eat dinner together, and very few vacations we didn't go on together.




 Do you have a favorite memory of Kevin? 

I have a ton of favorite memories, it's impossible to list just one. I would say my favorite memories are the trips to Destin, Colorado, and Vegas. Each of those trips were filled with tons of fun and laughter. There are so many great times and so many stories I could share from each of the trips we took.


What do you think made Kevin special or unique?

Kevin loved people, especially young people. He knew if he could get any amount of time with a young person, he could impact their lives, and that's exactly what he did. Kevin was known to be a tough coach, and would use the word "soft" to drive players to play harder and give effort they didn't know they had in them. Kevin was one of the "softest" guys I have ever known. Soft hearted. I once saw him extremely upset, in tears about a student who had lost her home in a house fire. I for 15 seasons, would see him physically and emotionally upset over players. He would get so emotional over their successes and failures.


What do you want people to know about Glioblastoma and/or the efforts of the KBSTRONG - Fighting the Fight foundation?

Glioblastoma is a death sentence. Simple as that. It does not discriminate. Glioblastoma took my grandmother's life at 79 years old, KB's at 50 years old, and have seen this impact young people. KBStrong's number one goal and priority is to raise awareness, and raise funds to help for research purposes in hopes of slowing this horrible disease down and ultimately find a cure.


If you were face to face with Kevin today, what would you tell him?

I've missed you, I love you. Your wife has been a rock star in carrying on your vision after your diagnosis. Your team has been in great hands with Coach E, Martin, Vandy, and they all miss you as well… let's have a Crown and Diet!